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                                                                                                              Flat Plates:
                                                                                                   Curved Beams:
                                                       walls-an over view.
                                          tanks and reservoirs.
                                                 and pile caps, Bouyant Footings.
                                              Stairs, Water tanks, Reservoirs:
                                                                                                      problems Bending and Buckling of plates.
                                                     Design of Different Types of Foundations:
                                      Prestressing Principles & Design Philosophy:
                                                                      PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE-II  4 (3 + 1)

                       estimation of prestress loss. Analysis and design of prestressed
                                                                                               Correction of Circumferential Stress in curved beams having I, T-
                                                                                             cross section, Unsymmetrical bending, Deflection of curved beams.
                             techniques, Profiles of post-tensioned tendons, bonded and non-
                                                                plate, flat slabs and waffle slabs, for flexure and shear under gravity
                                                                  Flat Slab, Flat Plate & Waffle Slab: Analysis and design of flat
                                                                                                        plates, Strain Energy of plate, Solution of rectangular and circular
                                                                                                 Introduction to circumferential and radial stresses in curved beams,
                                                                                                            Introduction, Stress Resultants in a flat plate, strain displacement
                                                                                                          Relations, Stress-strain-temperature relation of isotropic elastic
                                                                                     Narrow Rectangular Cross-section, Hollow Thin Walled Torsion
                                                                              Fatigue due to cyclic loading, Discontinuities and Stress Concentration,
                                                                                         Torsion of Thin Walled Tubes and Non-Circular Members: Saint
                                                                                       Venant’s semi inverse method, Prandtel’s Elastic Membrane Analogy,
                                    Principles of prestressing, properties of high strength materials,
                         losses, immediate and time dependent losses, lump sum and detailed
                                                         to combined flexure and axial loading, Guidelines for design of shear
                                                   Analysis and design of eccentric, strap, strip and mat footings, piles
                                            Analysis and Design of Various Types of Stairs and Staircases, water
                                Behavioral aspects of prestressed beams and comparison with
                              reinforced concrete beams, post tensioning and pre-tensioning
                                  Importance of high strength concrete and steel used in prestressing,
                           bonded tendons, comparison and hard-ware requirements.Prestress
                                                           Slender Columns: Analysis and design of slender columns subjected
                                                                                           and design.
                                             of hydrology.
                                          Water Resources:
                                  Water Management:
                                                                        Airport Engineering:
                                                                Coastal Engineering:
                                                                                       Railway Engineering:
                                                                                                          Design of cantilever retaining walls.
                                                                                                            Introduction to underwater concreting.
                                                                                                    TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING  3 (3 + 0)
                                      other water usages, Water resources in Pakistan.
                                                                                                Introduction to Transportation Systems and Planning:
                                                                                                              Introduction to earthquake resistant design of structures.
                                                                    Airport Drainage Systems; Various Runway Configurations.
                                                     HYDROLOGY & WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 4 (3 + 1)
                                Water management practices at basin level, canal level and farm level.
                                                           Types of docks and their construction; Transit sheds and warehouses.
                         of air temperature, relative humidity, radiation, sunshine, atmospheric pressure and wind velocity &
                                               Hydrology, hydrologic cycle and the water balance equation, practical uses of hydrology, importance
                            The atmosphere and its composition, dew point and its measurement devices. Saturation deficit.
                           The general circulation of wind system, the monsoons and western disturbances. Measurement
                                        Planning and development of water resources projects. Domestic, Industrial, Agricultural and
                                                                              Layout of stations and yards; Modern methods for construction of tracks. Maintenance, tools and
                                                                      Type & elements of Airport planning, Factors affecting Airport Site Selection; Airport Classification;
                                                              Classification of harbours; Ports and harbours of Pakistan; Design principles and requirements
                                                             of harbours; Wharves and jetties; Breakwaters and groynes; Channel regulation and demarcation;
                                                                               Formation of single and double track. Formation failures; Selection of site for a railway station.
                                                                                             of planning; Communication (rail-road network & airport), port and harbour facilities, street traffic
                                                                                               Modes of transportation; Need and scope of comprehensive plan; Phases of planning, Principles
                                                                                     Elements of track. Types of gauges; Types of rail sections. Rail joints. Creep and wear of rail; Fish
                                                                                 spacing and stiffness of track; Types of ballast. Requirements for good ballast, Renewal of ballast.
                                                                                   Plate, bearing plates and check rails; Types of sleepers, their merits and demerits. Sleeper density,
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