Number Systems; Digital Logic Gates; Classification of Computer Systems; Structure and Organization of Computers and Computer Systems; Computer Peripherals; Classification of Software Systems; Introduction to Software Development Process; Levels of Programming Languages.


INTRODUCTION: Types of errors and error calculation, Graphical Techniques (Log, semi-log and other non-linear graphs)  

VECTORS: Review of vectors, vector differentiation (ordinary and partial differentiation)  

MECHANICS: Motion under constant acceleration, Newton laws and their application, frictional forces, Work and Energy Theorem, Law of conservation of energy, Angular momentum.  

ELECTROSTATICS AND MAGNETISM: Coulombs Law. Electrostatic potential energy of discrete charges, Continuous charge distribution, Gauss’s Law . Electric field around conductors, Magnetic fields, Magnetic force on current, Hall effect, Biot-Savart Law. Ampere’s Law, Fields of rings and coils. Magnetic dipole, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, and Ferromagnetism.  

SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS: Energy levels in a semiconductor, Hole concept, Intrinsic and Extrinsic regions, Law of Mass Action, P-N junction, Transistor.  

WAVES AND OSCILLATIONS: Simple Harmonic oscillation, Damped harmonic oscillation, Forced oscillation and Resonance, Types of waves and superposition principle, wave speed on a stretched string.  

OPTICS AND LASERS: Two-slit interference. Huygens Principle, Single-slit diffraction. Resolving power of optical instruments Principals of laser action, Types of Laser, Application of laser .  

MODERN PHYSICS: Planck’s explanations of black body radiation Photoelectric effect, Compton effect. Bohr theory of Hydrogen atom, Atomic spectra, Reduce mass, De-Broglie hypothesis, Electron microscope, Atomic nucleus and property of nucleus, Radioactive Decay and Radioactive, Radiation detection instruments, Nuclear reaction and Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Fusion. 


PCB Design & Workshop: 

PCB design and layout drawings using PCB software:  From Schematic & Layout to Machine File generation. PCB technologies, single layers and multi-layer boards, PCB testing, Switches, PCB standards, Routing. Fabricating PCB, Assembling & soldering components on PCB, PCB Processes; CNC Drilling, Electroplating, Photo-plotting, Laminating, Developing and Exposing  

Electronic Workshop: 

Introduction to Operations of Voltmeters, Ohmmeters, Power supplies, Function generators & Oscilloscopes. Measuring parametric values of discrete passive components fabricating simple electronic circuits on breadboard, Simulate an electronic circuits using pspice/multisim/simulink  


Complex Number

Argand diagram, De Moivre formula, root of polynomial equations, curve and regions in the complex plane, standard functions and their inverses (exponential, circular and Hyperbolic functions).  

Limits and Continuity

Bounds and bounded sets, Limit point of sets, Sequences, Convergence of sequences monotonic sequences, Function and their graph, limit of function and continuous functions.  

Differential Calculus 

 Differentiation and Successive differentiation and its application; Leibnitz theorem, Taylor and Maclaurin theorems with remainders in Cauchy and Lagrange form, Taylor and Maclaurin series, L’ Hospitals rule, extreme values of a function of one variable using first and second derivative test, asymptotes of a function, curvature and radius of curvature of a curve, partial differentiation, exact differential and its application in computing errors. Multivariate functions, Maxima and Minima for multivariate functions, Maxima Minima under certain conditions (Lagrange Multiplier) .  

Integral Calculus

  Indefinite integrals and their computational techniques, reduction formulae, definite integrals and their convergence, Beta and Gamma functions and their identities, double and triple integration with applications. (Area, volume, centoroid, inertia, arc length) .  

Vectors Calculus

  Scalar and Vector quantities, physical and geometrical meanings, Algebra of vectors, Scalar and vector triple products.  Vector derivatives, Line and surface Integrals, Gradient of a Scalar. 


Basic Electrical Engineering

1. Course Syllabus,

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits: Charge, Current, Voltage and Power, Voltage and Current Sources. Ohm’s Law: 

Voltage and Current Laws: Nodes, Paths, Loops and Branches, Kirchhoff’s Current Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Laws, the single Loop Circuits, the single node-pair circuits, series and parallel connected independent sources, resistors in series and parallel, voltage and current division. 

Basic Nodal and Mesh Analysis: Multi-Nodal Analysis, the super node, Mesh Analysis, the super mesh 

Circuit Analysis Techniques: Linearity and Superposition, Source Transformations, The venin and Norton Equivalent Circuits, Maximum Power Transfer, Delta-Wye Conversion 

Capacitors and Inductors: Capacitors, Inductor, Inductance and Capacitance Combination Basic RL and RC Circuits: The Source-Free RL Circuit, Properties of the Exponential Response, the Source-Free RC Circuits, the Unit-Steps Function. Driven RL Circuits, Natural and Forced Response, Driven RL Circuits. 

The RLC Circuit: The Source-Free Parallel Circuit, the over damped parallel RLC Circuits, Critical Damping, the under damped Parallel RLC Circuit, the Source-Free Series RLC Circuit, the complete response of the RLC Circuit, the Lossless LC Circuit.

2. Course Introduction

Electric circuit theory and electromagnetic theory are the two fundamental theories upon which all branches of electrical engineering are built. Many branches of electrical engineering, such as power, electric machines, control, electronics, communications, and instrumentation, are based on electric circuit theory. Therefore, the basic electric circuit theory course is the most important course for an electrical engineering student, and always an excellent starting point for a beginning student in electrical engineering education. Circuit theory is also valuable to students specializing in other branches of the physical sciences because circuits are a good model for the study of energy systems in general, and because of the applied mathematics, physics, and topology involved.

3. Learning Outcomes



Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

S. No



Taxonomy Level




Describe Ohm’s Law, Capacitors and Inductors Kirchhoff’s Current Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Laws, the single Loop Circuits, the single node-pair circuits, series, and parallel connected independent sources, resistors in series and parallel, voltage and current division,






Apply circuit solving and reduction techniques such as Multi-Nodal Analysis, the super node, Mesh Analysis, the super mesh, Linearity and Superposition, Source Transformations, The venin and Norton Equivalent Circuits, Maximum Power Transfer, Delta-Wye Conversion to solve for steady state solutions of the electric circuits.






Analyze for transients in RC, RL and RLC circuits for DC.






Conduct experiments in laboratory in order to interpret
experimental data and observe its conformance with
solved results of circuits.






The course is designed so that students will achieve the following PLOs:


Engineering Knowledge:


Environment and Sustainability:




Problem Analysis:






Design/Development of Solutions:


Individual and Teamwork:











Modern Tool Usage:


Project Management:




The Engineer and Society:



Lifelong Learning:



4. Course Prerequisites

None: As with most introductory circuit courses, the main prerequisites, for a course using this textbook, are intermediate physics and calculus. Although familiarity with complex numbers is helpful in the later part of the book, it is not required.

5. Course Requirement or Rules


6. Textbooks or other required readings,


Fundamentals of Electric Circuits by C Alexander and M Sadiku, McGraw Hill

Recommended Books:

1.       Electric Circuits Fundamentals, S. Franco, Oxford University Press, (Latest Edition).

2.       The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits by R E Thomas, A J Rosa and G J Toussaint, John Wiley, 6th Edition, 2009

3.       Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis by J D Irwin and R M Nelms, Wiley, 9th Edition, 2008

4.       W Hayt, J Kemmerly and S Durbin, "Engineering Circuit Analysis", McGraw- Hill, 7th Edition, 2007.


7. Key dates, the time and means/methods of class meetings

Key dates will be finalized according to the timetable provided by the department. Microsoft Teams will be used to conduct class meetings. The lectures will be available on LMS.

8. Lesson Plan (together with the assigned readings for each lecture)

This can be provided after seeing the course timetable.

9. PPTs for each lecture as per template provided.

PPTs will be provided, as needed, during lectures.

10. Details of the assignments, and online quizzes

Will be provided during the lectures.

11. Any other audio video material

Will be provided as the course starts.

Teaching Methodology

a)       Lecturing on MS Team

b)      Use BUETK LMS

c)       Assignments

d)      Web resources

Assessment (Theory)

a)       Assignments

b)      Quizzes

c)       Mid Term

d)      Final

Assessment (Lab)

a)       Weekly lab reports

b)      Viva voce

c)       Project work



Objectives of the Course 

• The course aims at improving the four language skills –listening, speaking, reading and writing. 

• The functional aspect of language will be stressed further through development of students’ vocabulary and use of grammar.  

Speaking and Listening

 • Listening actively through the use of skills and sub skills, and in a variety of situations. 

 • Speaking: Fluency and confidence building through group discussions, role plays and public speaking.   

Vocabulary development 

• Tips / strategies in vocabulary enhancement 

 • Practice in vocabulary development  


• Reading skills, Sub skills 

 • Reading strategies 

• Reading practice through variety of reading texts and comprehension exercises

 • Précis writing  


• Note taking: Techniques for taking notes from lectures, from books (integrated with listening & reading) 

• Process of Writing with practice in pre writing strategies, in revising, and in, editing for grammar. 

• Writing well- structured and effective paragraphs, essays and letters (routine communication) using proper writing mechanics. Writing descriptions, narrations, cause and effect, compare and contrast etc.