Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology, Khuzdar
Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology, Khuzdar

About ORIC

Introduction to Research
Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC)

The office of research innovation and commercialization (ORIC )at Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology, Khuzdar has been established in line with the aims of Higher Education commission (HEC) to develop internationally competitive research sector in Pakistan that makes a major contribution to economic prosperity, national well-being and the expansion and dissemination of knowledge.


To promote research culture, encourage entrepreneurship and turn innovative ideas/skills of faculty and students into commercialization by supporting them.

Mission statement

The ORIC has been established with the mission to develop BUETK into a comprehensive research led university, with the focus on technology, innovation and entrepreneurship,” has devoted significant attention to research and development (R&D) and its commercialization with an aim to propagate/ establish a research culture at BUETK which caters for the national needs.

Objectives of ORIC

The ORIC has been established as per HEC policy with the following objectives/goals:

• To formulate and support university’s strategic research direction and policies. 
• To enhance and diversify research funding. 
• To create a culture environment so that research remains an integral component of academic activities at BUETK. 
• To ensure that high quality research of direct relevance to Pakistan’s needs. 
• To facilitate establishment of linkages between BUETK and the industry. 
• To provide information about research funding opportunities to faculty and students. 
• To encourage and assist BUETK researchers/faculty in obtaining research grants from the Public / Private Sector and Foreign Agencies. 
• Facilitate timely completion of funded research and development projects. 
• Maintain efficient and productive communication channels with funding agencies. 
• Facilitate and support BUETK researchers for publication and presentation of their research work through participation in research activities so as to cater for industry requirements. 
• To improve/ Strengthens university- industry relationship. 
• To conduct national and international conferences/seminars/sessions 
• To help students to obtain funds for their research projects.