Course Content:


1. Evolution of the concept of entrepreneur, Characteristics of an entrepreneur, Distinction between an entrepreneur and a Manager, Economic Development, Factors affecting entrepreneurial growth (economic, Non-Economic and Government factors)

2. Critical factors for stalling a new enterprise. Ingredients for a successful new business. Self-assessment and feedback, Personal entrepreneurial competencies. Goal setting.

3. Creativity and sources of new business ideas, the difference between ideas and opportunity and creativity. Assessing business opportunities in Pakistan. Screening and evaluating opportunities Product planning and development process. Creating parallel competition by developing a similar product or service, Product life cycle, finding sponsorship. Acquiring a going concern, E-Commerce and business start-up and growth.

4. Marketing as a philosophy, marketing management: Creating a marketing plan, Analyze the environmental situation and the market opportunity, Setting marketing objective, formulating a marketing strategy.

5. The business plan as selling document, reasons for writing a business plan your company: What’s your identity, Field work started, Marketing issues: Who are your buyers? Product issues: What are you selling?, Production exercise, Sales and Promotion: Financial issues: Targeting and writing the plan: Business Plan compilation exercise.

6. What is franchising? Becoming a franchisee versus starting a stand-alone business, The franchisee contract, Non-contractual considerations of buying a franchise, Limitations of franchising, Conclusion, Course evaluation.


Teaching Methodology

 Lecturing

 Written Assignments and projects (individual and as group)

 Report Writing



Mid Term, Quizzes, Assignments, Project, Final Exams


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CLO, Course Learning Outcome





ACQUIRE basic concepts of Entrepreneurship, its characteristics, factors affecting entrepreneurship growth, entrepreneur and a manager, starting new enterprise, E-commerce, Business plan and issues, marketing strategies, franchising





APPLY knowledge for different business plans as case studies





DEMONSTRATE individually and as team member during assignments, and projects for different case studies






Text and Reference books:

1. Rober D. Hisrich and Michael P. Peter, Entrepreneurship/lip,5th Edition, McGraw Hill

2. S.S. Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development

3. Irving Burstiner, The small Businesses Handbook

4. Bruce A. Kirchhoff, Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Capitalism

5. Modern Business Management, A System & Environment Approach by McGraw-Hill

6. William D. Bygrave, The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship/lip Entrepreneurship CEFE, Germany, Development Manual

Course Content:

Plant management

Management systems Role & functions of management. Productivity, basic concepts, classification, measurement and improvement. Role of work study, work measurement and work sampling.

Facilities planning and design

Plant location, material handling systems, types of production, MRP-II, group technology, make or buy decisions, demand forecasting, material requirement planning, inventory models and just in time (JIT) technique, production planning, scheduling problems & models, project management, techniques for PERT & CPM, network scheduling, activity crashing and resource leveling.

 Human resource management

Recruitment process, job evaluation, performance appraisal, non-financial and financial incentives, training, labor relations, management theories

Course Learning Outcome:

2. Production Management By Kieth & Loekyer.

3. Operations Management By Jay Heizer & Barry Render, Prentice Hall

Course Content:

1.       Introduction to FEA and Element Performance

a. Introduction to Finite Element Modeling and preliminary decisions

b. Elements types and their properties

c. Basic concepts of equilibrium & compatibility

d. General factors affecting element performance – Sources of errors

e. Convergence.

2.       FE Methods, Shape Functions, Stiffness Matrix and Transformation

a. Direct Stiffness Method, Energy Methods 

b. Shape Function:  Linear and Quadratic Element

c. Beam Elements, Truss Elements, Linear and Planar elements

d. Stiffness matrix, Local to Global Co-ordinate Transformation Assembly

3.       Static Structural Analysis

a. Modeling and analysis of 1D, 2D and 3D structures under static loading

4.       Heat Transfer and Thermal Stress Analysis: 

a. Introduction to Heat transfer, Thermal and Thermal Stress analysis concepts

b. Selection of Boundary Conditions based on the identification of problem

c. Thermal Analysis (Steady State)

d. Thermal stress Analysis 

5.       Dynamic Analysis

a. Introduction to different types of dynamic analysis 

b. Modal Analysis, Frequency Response Analysis, Transient Response Analysis, Master Degrees of Freedom

Lab work (1 credit)

FEA software based analysis may be conducted in the lab.

Course Learning Outcome:

Upon successful completion of the course, student will be able to:

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CLO, Course Learning Outcome





UNDERSTAND the basic knowledge of FEA, Software tools; element performance, FEA methods, formulations of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D elements





APPLY knowledge for linear, structural, thermal, dynamic and couple field problems





ANALYZE structural, thermal, dynamic problems





Work individually and as team member during assignments, and projects using software.





Recommended Books

1.       Richard G. Budynass, Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis, McGraw-Hill

2.       Saeed Moaveni, Finite Element Analysis – Theory and Applications with ANSYS , Prentice Hall

M J Fagan ,Finite Element Analysis – Theory and Practice ,Pearson Publications

Course Content:

Introduction to types of renewable energy, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, ocean thermal energy, tidal wave and geothermal energy, biomass energy.  Fuel cell and heat pump systems, energy efficiency issues and energy storage.  Potential of using renewable energy resources as supplement of conventional energy resources.  

Renewable and non-renewable energies used as hybrid energy systems, Modern renewable energy plants.

Wind energy, wind turbine design specifications, compatible electric generators and major operational issues of the wind mill for electric power generation. Wind mills design usage for pumping water.

Biomass energy conversion methods, detailed description of biomass energy conversion plant, operational and maintenance problems and their remedies.

Course Learning Outcome:

Upon successful completion of the course, student will be able to:

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CLO, Course Learning Outcome





Explain the renewable energy Type (Solar energy PV cells, solar thermal energy, Hydro power, wind energy and bioenergy)





Review different renewable energy resources and environmental impacts of power generation by renewable energy





Analyse strengths and weaknesses of different types of renewable energy resources by performing its efficiencies calculation.





Recommended Books

1.       G. Boyle, Renewable Energy, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press. 

J. Twidell, T. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, Spon Press