1st Order Differential Equations

Basic concept; Formation of differential equations and solution of differential equations by direct integration and by separating the variables; Homogeneous equations and equations reducible to homogeneous from; Linear differential equations of the order and equations reducible to the linear form; Bernoulli's equations . Application in relevant Engineering: orthogonal trajectories:

Numerical approximation to solutions ; Solution in series. Euler method, Euler modified method, RungeKutta method of order 4.

2nd and Higher Orders Equations

Special types of II nd order differential equations with constant coefficients and their solutions; The operator D; Inverse operator l/D ; Solution of differential by operator D methods; Special cases, Cauchy's differential equations; Simultaneous differential equations; simple application of differential equations in relevant Engineering.

Partial Differential Equation

Basic concepts and formation of partial differential equations; Linear homogeneous partial differential equations and relations to ordinary differential equations; Solution of first order linear and special types of second and higher order differential equations; D’ Alembert's solution of the wave equation and two dimensional wave equations; Lagrange's solution: Various standard forms.

Lap lace Integral &Transformation

Definition, Laplace transforms of some elementary functions, first translation or shifting theorem, second translation or shifting theorem, change of scale property, Laplace transform of the nth order derivative, initial and final value theorem Laplace transform of integrals. Laplace transform of functions tn F(t) and F(t)/ t, Laplace transform of periodic function, evaluation of integrals, definition of inverse Laplace transform and inverse transforms, convolution theorem, solutions of ordinary differential using Laplace transform.

Credit Hours:      2+0

An outline of emergence of Pakistan.  A brief historical survey of Muslim community of the sub-Continent. War of independent 1857 & its aftermath. Sir Syed Ahmed development of two-nation theory. Formation of Muslim League Lucknow pact. Khilafat and noncooperation movement. Political events from 1924 to 1937. Pakistan resolution –struggle of Pakistan 1940-1947 Emergence of Pakistan. Land of Pakistan Geographical condition territorial situation and its importance. Natural resources-mineral and water.

Constitutional process. Early efforts to make constitutional problems and issues. Constitutional 1956 and its abrogation. Constitution of 1962 and its annulment. Constitution of 1971 and political crises of 1971- constitution. Recent constitutional developments. Post-independence. Developments. Education in Pakistan-panning and development in the field of education. Development of Science and Technology with special reference to engineering and architecture. Brief history of Pakistan economy- industrial and Agriculture development. Internal and external trade. Economic planning prospects cultural development in Pakistan. Definition content and distributing factor in culture. Development of art philosophy and literature.

Foreign policy. Relation with neighbor, super-power and Muslim world  

Recommended Books:  

Introduction to Pakistan Studies   by M. Ikram Rabani Eddition 2002


Thermodynamic Properties: Working Substance, System, Pure Substance, PVT Surface, Phases, Properties And State, Units, Zeroth Law, Processed and Cycles, Conservation of Mass.

Energy and its Conservation: Relation of Mass and Energy, Different Forms of Energy, Internal Energy and Enthalpy Work, Generalized Work Equation Flow and Non-Flow Processes, Closed Systems, First Law of Thermodynamics, Open Systems and Steady Flow, Energy Equation for Steady Flow, System Boundaries, Perpetual Motion of the First Kind.

Energy and Property Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Reversibility, Specific Heats and their Relationship.

Relations: Entropy, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Property relations from Energy Equation, Frictional Energy.

Ideal Gas: Gas Laws, Specific Heats of an Ideal Gas, Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure, Thermodynamic Processes. Fundamentals of Conduction and Convection, Radiation, Thermal Conductivity, Overall Heat.

Heat Transfer: Transfer Coefficients, Practical Equations.

Thermodynamic Cycles: Cycle Work, Thermal Efficiency Carnot Cycle, Reversed and Reversible Cycles, Most Efficient Engine.

Two-Phase Systems: Two-Phase System of a Pure Substance, Changes of Phase at Constant Pressure, Steam Tables, Superheated Steam, Liquid and Vapour Curves, Phase Diagrams, Rankine Cycle, Components of Steam Power Plant.

Internal Combustion Engines: Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, Dual Combustion Cycle, Four-stroke and Two-stroke Engines, and Types of Fuel. Reciprocating Compressors: Condition for Minimum Work, Isothermal Efficiency, Volumetric Efficiency, Multi-Stage Compression, Energy Balance for a Two-Stage Machine with Intercooler.

Introduction To Heating and Cooling Load and its calculations, Comfort Charts, Outline of A.C. Air-Conditioning and Systems, Consideration for Air – Conditioning in Buildings, Natural Ventilation.

Refrigeration: Insulating Materials.


                                  Credit-hour:     3+1

Objective: Introduce basic electrical engineering concepts and to acquaint students with the knowledge and the tools to analyze linear electric circuits.

Course Outline:

Electric quantities, electric signals, electric circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, circuit elements. Resistance, series parallel combination, voltage and current dividers, resistive bridges and ladders, practical sources and loading, instrumentation and measurement. Nodal analysis, loop analysis, linearity and superposition, source transformation, One ports, circuit theorems, power calculations. Dependent sources, circuit analysis with dependent sources, ideal transformer, amplifiers. The operational amplifier, basic op-amp configurations, ideal op-amp circuit analysis, summing and difference amplifiers, amplifier types. Capacitance, inductance, natural response of RC and RL circuits. Response to DC forcing function. Transient response of first order circuits, step, pulse and pulse train responses, first order op-amp circuits. Transient response and step response of second order circuits. AC fundamentals; RMS or effective, average and maximum values of current & voltage for sinusoidal signal wave forms, introduction to phasor representation of alternating voltage and current, single phase circuit analysis, star-delta transformation for DC and AC circuits.

Lab Work

Learn the use of basic instruments in electrical engineering such as function generators, power supplies, oscilloscopes. Design and implement circuits using R, RL and RC and verify the node voltages and loop currents using instruments. Verify Circuit-theorems using lab instruments. Verify circuit transformations using lab instruments.

Recommended Books:

1. Electric Circuits Fundamentals, S. Franco, Oxford University Press, (Latest edition).

2. The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits by R E Thomas, A J Rosa and G J Toussaint, John Wiley, 6th Edition, 2009

3. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits by C Alexander and M Sadiku, McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2008

4. Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis by J D Irwin and R M Nelms, Wiley, 9th Edition, 2008

5. Engineering Circuit Analysis by W Hayt, J Kemmerly and S Durbin, McGraw Hill, 7th Edition, 2007


PN Junction Diode: Introduction. PN junction diode, Unbiased diode, Barrier potential, Diffusion & drift current, Forward & reverse bias, Minority carrier current. Diode models: Ideal, practical & complete, Diode characteristics, Load line, Diode current equation. Capacitive effect on diode operation at high-frequency, Transient current, Temperature effect on diode operation . Diode applications; Rectifier, Switch, Communication, Wave-shaping, Voltage multiplier etc . Breakdown diode, Voltage regulator, Power Supply .

FET: Field effect transistor; Device, Structure & Physical operation of the MOSFET, Current-voltage characteristics. DC analysis of MOSFET circuits, MOSFET as an amplifier and as a switch, biasing in MOS amplifier circuits .

Operational Amplifiers: Terminal characteristics only, ideal op-amp characteristics, inverting and non-inverting configurations, op-amp applications like weighted summer, difference amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, differentiator, integrator, logarithmic amplifier etc. Non ideal characteristics like slewing, DC input offset voltage, input biasing current etc.


The Turbo C Programming Environment: Setting up the Integrated Development Environment, File used in C program development, Use of Integrated Development Environment, The basic structure of C program, Explaining the printf( ) function.

C Building Blocks: Variables, Input/Output, Operators, Comments.

Loops: The for Loop, The while loop, The do while loop.

Decisions: The if statement, The if-else statement, The else-if construct, The switch statement, The conditional operator.

Functions: Simple functions, Functions that return a value, Using arguments to pass data to a function, Using more than one functions, External variables, Prototype versus classical K and R, Preprocessor directives.

Arrays and Strings: Arrays, Referring to individual elements of the array, String, String functions, Multidimensional arrays.

Pointers: Pointer overview, Returning data from functions, Pointers and arrays, Pointers and strings, Double indirection, Pointers to pointers, Structures, Unions and ROM BIOS.

Turbo C Graphics Functions: Text-mode functions graphics - Mode functions, Text with graphics.

Files: Types of disk I/O, Standard, Input/output binary mode and text mode, Record, Input/Output, Random access, Error conditions, System-level Input/ Output, Redirection.

Advanced Variables: Storage classes, Enumerated data type, Renaming data type with typedef, Identifiers and naming classes, Type conversion and casting, Labels and goto statement .

C++ and Object Oriented Programming: Object oriented programming, Some useful C++ features, Classes and objects, Constructors and memory allocations, Inheritance, Function overloading, Operator overloading. Practical design through object oriented programming.

The practical work will be based on the above course.
