Credit Hours- 3-0

Course Outline 

Ø  Layout of thermal power plants;

Ø  Containment buildings;

Ø  Primary containment vessels;

Ø  Structure of reactor core and mechanical stress in various structures. Description and analysis of power plant systems and components including; steam generator

Ø  steam dryer and separator

Ø  pressurizer

Ø  reheater

Ø  heat exchanger

Ø  condenser

Ø  demineralizer

Ø  pumps

Ø  turbine

Ø  generator

Ø  cooling tower

Ø  Auxiliary cooling systems.

Ø  Fuel handling mechanisms;

Ø  Control and mechanisms;

Ø  Radiation waste systems;

Ø  Electrical Systems;

Ø  Reactor grid interface and load following. Basic considerations in nuclear plant design;

Ø  Components of nuclear power cost;

Ø  Economic comparison of nuclear and fossil fuelled plants;

Ø  Dual and multipurpose nuclear power plants;

Ø  Future trends in nuclear power cost.


Recommended Books


Ø   El-Wakil, M.M., Power Plant Technology, McGraw-Hill, 1984.


Ø   Lish, K.C., Nuclear Power Plant Systems & Equipment, Industrial Press Inc.

Ø   I. Dincer, C. Zamfirescu, Advanced Power Generation, Elseveir


Credit Hours- 3-0

Course Outline 

1.      Solar irradiation, its nature and measurement, Insulation on tiled surfaces,

2.      Application of the principle of heat transfer and thermodynamics to the theoretical and experimental analysis of solar energy components used in the heating and cooling of buildings as well as hot water heating devices.

3.      Theoretical consideration of thermal storage devices, solar collectors and solar-augmented heat pumps, approximate techniques and other research topics.

4.      Renewable and non-renewable energies used as hybrid energy systems,

5.      Modern renewable energy plants.

6.      Wind energy, wind turbine design specifications, compatible electric generators and major operational, wind mills design usage for pumping water.

7.      Biomass energy conversion methods, detailed description of synthetic gas, biodiesel, biomass and biogas, operational and maintenance problems and their remedies.


Recommended Books


1.      Ibrahim Dincer and Marc A. Rosen, Elsevier, Exergy: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development.


2.      J.A. Duffie, W.A. Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, John Wiley & Sons.


3.      Godfrey Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press


4.      John Twidell, Tony Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, Spon Press.


5.      Bent Sorensen, Renewable Energy Conversion, Transmission and Storage.


Credit Hours- 3-0

Course Outline

1.      Reliability Measures: The reliability Function; Expected Life; Failure Rate and Hazard Function; Reliability and Hazard Function for distributions such as Exponential; Normal, Log Normal, Weibull, and Gamma Distributions; Hazard Models and Product Life; Constant Hazard Function, Linearly Increasing Hazard Function, Piecewise Linear Bathtub Hazard Function, Power Function Model, Exponential Model.

2.      Static Reliability Model: Series System, Parallel System, Series & Parallel Combinations, Complex System Analysis, Reliability Considerations in Design. Reliability Modelling and Design: Series Parallel System, Reliability Considerations in Design. Reliability Design Methodology, Strength and Stress Distributions, Safety Factors and Reliability, Reliability Bounds in Probabilistic Design, Error Analysis, Statistical Tolerancing.

3.      Reliability in Design and Testing: Dynamic Reliability Models, Reliability Estimation, Sequential Life Testing, Bayesian Reliability in Design and Testing, Reliability Optimization.

4.      Control Charts: Properties of the distribution of sample means, control charts for mean & range, control charts for mean standard deviation, control charts for proportion defective & defects per assembly, Tests of significance to compute confidence limits.

5.      Acceptance Sampling: Introduction, OC curve, consumer & producer risks, AQL & LTPD, acceptance sampling for continuous production, and acceptance by variables, single, double, & sequential sampling.

6.      Quality, Reliability, & Maintainability: Definitions, management of quality control, economic aspects of quality decisions, capability & variability analysis, various aspects of life testing, reliability, & maintainability, Introduction to ISO standards.

 Recommended Books

Ø  John Bentley, “Introduction to Reliability and Quality Engineering” Longman Pub Group, 1993.

Ø  BS Dhillon,”Reliability, Quality, and Safety for Engineers”, CRC Press, 2004.

Bernd Bertsche, “Reliability in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering-Determination of component and system Reliability” Springer; 2008

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