The Mechanical Engineering Department has a significance in the development of the Province. The graduates from this university are playing a great part.

The department has a good strength of faculty, having competent staff who are delivering knowledge at their best.

Students get admitted and enrolled in the courses as per the admission policy. The list of the courses that are being taught, match the modern Mechanical engineering.

The knowledge of mechanical engineering is used to build useful products and devices for the satisfaction of society. This can range from a device as small as a catheter injected into the human body, to a fax machine or printer, to a modern jet engine, to as large as a power plant for a major city. 

Mechanical engineering encompasses the generation, conversion, transmission, and utilization of mechanical and thermal energy. This includes design, construction, and operation of all kinds of mechanical and thermal devices and systems. Of all the engineering disciplines, Mechanical Engineering offers the greatest breadth, flexibility, and individuality. Indeed, Mechanical Engineering education is an ideal preparation for working and living in a technological world.

Mechanical Engineers apply the principles of mechanics and energy to the design of machines and devices. They must be able to control mechanical systems and usually work with other professionals in designing these systems.  The Department of Mechanical Engineering is going to start MS in Mechanical engineering very soon to deliver quality engineering education.